Yesterday we finally held another forest school event. Traditionally in May Nanegal, the parrish that Santa Lucía belongs, has its annual fair and of course we were present trying to entertain mostly the younger part of the visitors with some environmental education. Apart from the regular crew we also had three volunteers from Germany present who helped the interested kids creating pieces of art which included drawing and working with natural material such as leaves or twigs.

Of course we also had our microscope present and gave our visitors interesting insights into the world of the tiny things. Although people kepts guessing the the slides showed dinosaurs (instead of parts of insects or plants). Strange. :)
The kids could also participate in quizzes and obviously everbody interested received information about all aspects of our work in Santa Lucía.

Everything went really good until they turned on the music. Well, it's a town festival so of course overly loud music is part of that - it made our job - interaction - somewhat difficult though. So some of us woke up with a sore throat today.
Worth it! :)
Around 40 - 50 children (maybe even more?) and a good number of adults took part in our activities, so it was a major success. We hope to have inspired a few people to see nature in a positive way and sooner or later help us and engage in environmental-friendly activities.
